Tuesday, December 26, 2017


When we see only surfaces, we miss
The complex life below, which we deny--
But in our dives below, we should not miss
The patterned flocks that glisten in the sky.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Heart Rings

Perhaps I have a wooden heart--the light
Shines through it's sliced so thin, and every wind
Will wind the thread on which it hangs--the sight
Of you delights--never your heart rescind.

Monday, December 11, 2017

The Devil's Walking Stick

The Devil's walking stick is crowned in green
And growing in the woods---its thorns, tipped red,
Await their master's hand whose grasp, obscene
In every movement, prickles skin to dread.
An adversary to all touch, the stick
Resembles its dread master, adversary
To beauty, virtue, and the good, his trick
Is making you think he's these, unwary.
The shadows moving in the woods bring death---
The stream brings life and flows and darting fish
Beneath the surface---careful, catch your breath---
And careful that you don't get all you wish.
Go step into the forest's shading stream
Where you will find a land of dappled dream.

Monday, December 4, 2017

The Shirpa

Behold the god I froze in fractal time--
He now survives forever in my rhyme.

Saturday, December 2, 2017


Before you look at angels with delight
Remember Lucifer is one, named "Light."