Monday, June 27, 2022

The Company I Keep

Romantic poets, Nietzsche, Faulkner keep
Me company--their company I like,
Embrace, find dear--these minds that always strike
My mind. They make it dance and curl and leap
In ecstasy. I rise to angel-heights
Of light that's threatening to kill my cave
Where shadows once were seen as real--I'll save
My body-soul in tensions of delights.
The ecstasy of body feels the call
Of reproductive bliss, my body warm,
Responding to her touch, the feather-fall
Of fingers, lips, and love, our body's form.
My body-mind entwines--I don't dismiss
Where minds touch mind in reproductive bliss.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Magma Rising

The land of living mountains slopes out gently
To the green sea in fold of tiny glass--
The glows red from dusk to dawn, and brass
Clouds move to bracket blue from red intently.
These are the lands that call for us to live
As these lands live--more dangerously. Careful,
Though, that you are not burned, that the heat's prayerful
Pull will not threaten every step, or give
You over to mere carelessness. Each movement
Needs style to perform you  to a new
Person, renew your body and your mind.
A past without regrets, and each new moment
An affirmation of your life, the true
Lava that makes the land much more refined. 

Monday, June 13, 2022


The water lilies spread across the water,
The veined, round leaves spread over their thick stems,
Hollow and buoyant, white and pale pink gems,
These buds and flowers opening, a daughter
And mother to an invisible nymph
That skims the water with her dainty feet
The minute she emerges, wondrous heat
From opening damp flowers, white as lymph,
Pink as early dawn. Opening between
The lily women nodes create desire
For cool pool forms that shimmer like they're fire
Across engulfing waters where men wean.
These nymphs will merge in hope to purge each urge
To see the beauty of their pond emerge. 

Monday, June 6, 2022

Revery of Fire

Are you prepared for revery? Cold silence.
The fire's flickering flames are meant to bring
The mind to quietness so it can sing
Of purified scents and a new reliance
On comfort, on the ancient well-lit hearth
That warms each soul before it, flickers it
With rhyme and rhythm, metaphor and wit,
Contra Ashbery, Lyotard, and Barth(es).
A silence in her natural biorhythms,
The rhythms' flickering flames are pulsating
In ears and minds, are dancing, gyrating
Until from absence rises newer rhythms.
Art's killers face the judge and jury, flee--
Now flames can once again give revery