When you've repaid my love with loss and lies.
My interest in you's given me no gain.
When I'd invested in you, I'd the sense
That you had wanted me, to spend your life
With me, no matter, through all gain and cost.
An irony that my poetic art
Should find a use to lease eternity
To one creating all this darkness coined
In such a soul creating, making due
The dividend of all my poetry
That I wrote since the time that I lost you.
You should be banished from the city, not
Be given immortality by me. What? Mercy?
I sit in black-robed judgement over you--
You have repaid my love with lies and such
Indifference. The promised blossom wilted
Despite what I invested in us two.
Would priests dare grant that God would give
What I now give you here? No light would enter
Through rainbow windows coloring the church
You entered in. You're blind behind the veil
Of bitter blue you choose--life without gold
Sea shells, sunflowers bringing life your value.
You left me and the only way I'm paid
Is by my constant balance on this bridge
Between my past with you and some far future
Finally free of this, my memory
Of how I felt and feel and spent on you.
For that, I grant you immortality?