Monday, November 21, 2022

The Common Lies

I watch the news--I'm told the common lies
I cannot trust a thing I read online
The teacher teaches what the truth denies
And information now is indefine

The politicians lie, the newsmen lie
About the politicians and for them
And you cannot believe what they deny
They sell a glass as a true diadem

How can you know the truth on such an earth
Where truth is weeded out and lies are fed?
When everyone is speaking lies, what worth
Is there in truth?--yes, even facts are dead

The sophists and the demagogues feel shame
At their replacements who believe no fact
Or truth, but only who they get to blame
And spread that blame without a shade of tact

The liars are the last to dare defend
A dying world--when even scientists 
Prefer to promulgate the mere pretend
Of science, falsifying what exists

The only people left we could believe
Are poets who do not pretend to truth
But lie in honesty--so do not grieve,
For we predict a new world in its youth

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