When everybody's second mother died
Then everybody saw her casket, cried--
A tribute to her years of mothering,
Of giving children in the neighborhood
A place to play, a place of love and cookies--
Of homemade chocolate-chips that all kids loved
But me--a mother, warmly, to take care
Of everyone, to head the PTA,
To be a room mother for everyone
As much as for her own two dear-loved children.
Yes, everyone she ever spanked in youth
Came crying now to see her in her death,
For one last time, each wanting now to see
The one who, living, loved them so, so much--
No spankings kept a kid away--they came
Each day to play and, more, to feel her love.
The children she "adopted" coming hours
To see her one last time--more children came
Than any mother who had given birth
To multitudes. A funeral full of youths
To see the woman who had given them
A mother's love, enough to share with all
Who came--the bad turned good in her embrace--
All felt her equal and unequalled love.
When everybody's second mother died,
Then everybody came to see her off
There were more youthful arms to carry her
Away from all the crying eyes that day
Than there were golden handles on her casket.